Three Good Buys Right Now

Three Good Buys Right Now

  1. Add a bright pop of color - with an emphasis on Kelly green and bright blue, but also lavender and marigold. For a few years now, neutrals have reigned supreme: khaki, white, black, navy, beige in either big monochromatic full looks, or color blocking. This manner of dressing is easy for most people and it’s definitely still trendy. But if you’re looking to add a pop to your spring wardrobe, consider a bright color. This is easiest as an accessory - handbag, baseball hat, sandal or sneaker; but it can be a bright green button down shaket (The Frankie Shop shirt is a great buy), undershirt, or bottom. The easiest way to style this is to keep the bright pop of color down to one piece, while everything else remains neutral. If you’re confident at pairing bright colors together, we’re here for that, too!

2. Cool shoes - Thankfully, we can still wear sneakers with everything! Plus, for spring, sport sandals continue their popularity! But, as with everything in fashion, not all are created equally. Some tips: unless you’re going with a solid bright pop of color, keep the palette on the neutral side - so white, beige, grey, black, and/or a mix. New Balance still reigns, but Vejas, Nike, Reebok are all solid choices too. Ganni, Tevas, and Birks, are all good for sandals, but lots of people are making a sporty sandal. Don’t be afraid to wear a sock with your sandal! You could also consider a rubber slide or clog, too. And yep, Crocs are still cool!

3. Pattern! A good old stripe tee still goes a long way these days, but if you’re looking to spice it up a little, you can’t go wrong with a check or swirl! Checkers are everywhere - tops, bottoms, accessories, and even those classic Van slip on sneakers are still cool. Don’t be afraid to try a set in matching patterns - it’s a lot of look, but very chic. You can also try a groovy 90’s influenced swirl or tie dye. There are plenty of great options out there so don’t be afraid!

The Best Shoes to Buy Right Now

The Best Shoes to Buy Right Now

Paxos, Greece

Paxos, Greece